Friday, April 29, 2011

Career Options In Law

A lawyer helps people as well as businesses solve legal problems, understand rules and regulations, and ensure that the lives people lead are within the confines of law. Lawyers play many roles from arguing cases in court, to defending a person's or nation's right to freedom, and working with business houses handling their legal matters. This would mean knowing the laws of the land, being able to draft documents that will be upheld in any court, and advice people on their individual needs.

To be qualified in the field of law, a future lawyer needs to complete four years of undergraduate school followed by three years in a law school. Then a law graduate must complete the bar examination which tests the comprehensive knowledge of law. After this, the person is given a valid license to practice law. Tests are not just book knowledge; the person is screened for character as well as moral standards.

Law has many fields and it is important for you to understand the different options clearly. Once the examinations are cleared you can:

• Take up private practice which means practicing law on your own or being a part of a larger firm that has hundreds of attorneys. In private practice one can be a trail lawyer or a corporate attorney who handles contracts, wills, legal documents, memorandums, and other aspects of business and everyday life. Clients will seek advice on matters of divorce, marriage agreements, adoption, mergers, acquisitions, setting up of trusts, charity organizations, and more. A private practice lawyer can either be an expert in one field or be a "jack of several aspects of law." Private practice can include aspects of income tax law, patent and trade mark law, oil and gas law, as well as labor law.<

• Be a corporate lawyer and work in the legal department of a large business house. This would involve all legal aspects of running a business from mergers and acquisitions to employee rights, tax, balance sheets, financial aspects, and more.

• Be a lawyer in the government and work for federal agencies at the national or state level. This would of course involve things like public litigations, hearings of regulatory agencies, ordinances, policy making, and more. Many lawyers hold important offices in the government.

• Be a lawyer who defends public interests and consumer rights.

• Work in the judiciary and serve as a municipal, state or federal DA or judge. This would involve presiding over and arguing for criminal and civil court proceedings.

• Teach law to students. This would include law enforcement, business law, real estate law, and cyber law. One could also work as a law librarian, editor, and administrator.

• Be a lawyer in the military service. This would mean specializing in international laws and all aspects of security as well as human rights.

The options are numerous and once you are qualified you could choose a field that excites you and fulfills your ambitions.

Learn To Generate Leads For Free

While companies everywhere are struggling to find qualified leads for their business, many overlook the obvious. There are ways of generating leads with little or no cost that will not detract from your warm circle or interfere with family relations or hurt friendships. They can also almost guarantee that people that are added to your network are interested in your business, bring a new level of quality to your lead generation.

One of the most commonly used methods of generating leads is through the use of online press releases. When a public relations company includes a write up about your business, it adds credibility to what you are saying and selling much more than a paid advertisement. People see the inclusion of a press release as having the backing of the publisher of the public relations network and therefore must be a legitimate business.

You will have to remember the basic rules of writing press release and that the content has to be news worthy and not a blatant attempt at self-promotion to be considered for inclusion in online and offline publications. New products, new business methods and even personnel promotions can help a press release see the light of print.

There are also article distributions services you can use to get the word out about your company and its products. These companies allow individuals to post articles, usually for free, for distribution to ezines and online magazines geared towards the interests of their readers. Writing and distributing articles containing useful information may get it published in a third party publication. When people see your name in many different publications on the same subject, they will begin to view you as an expert in that field.

Every published article from a distribution service will contain a little something about you as well as the internet address of your business. The people who like what they read and want to know more will visit your site because they have a real interest in what you do or what you sell, almost instantly becoming a member of your warm network.

Web logs, or blogs, are one of the big things going on today, other than personal and social network sites and starting a blog about the industry in which you business is a part can also bring more people to your warm network, or close circle of friends. You have to careful not to make a blog an obvious advertisement by talking about benefits of certain types of products and not necessarily the ones you sell. Include your internet address in every published blog and invite others to post comments on the subject.

By doing a lot of the fishing for leads on your own, using your own efforts and not paying for leads of questionable origins, you can quickly add to your lead base and begin to realize significant increases in traffic to your site. If you lack the time and talent to write your own articles or blog entries, you can hire a freelance writer to ghostwrite them for you, still saving money on the price of buying leads.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Retailing To Recruit

We're all aware of how difficult it is to find business builders.

This can be tough...Even with the best recruiting techniques.

For me one of the better ways to find business builders is to Retail to Recruit.

Personally I think your MLM business should be made up of 75% retail customers and 25% business builders.


Having more retail customers ordering from you week after week, month after month, year after year creates that residual income we all want. Plus you now have an army of customers that are spreading the word about your products. People will talk more freely about products that are doing well for them, then they will about a business opportunity.

In one case people feel they are sharing, in the other they feel like they are selling (guess which one?).

When people talk about products they're sharing an experience, when they're talking about a business opportunity they feel like they're selling.

In my company we make great money with retail sales and business builders. Personally It's easier to find retail customers than business builders, plus your income is generated faster. (of course that depends on your pay plan, for example I get paid every week with ours).

Let me ask you a question.

Do you think it's easier to introduce the idea to someone who is in love with your product/service they can have their own business or to someone who has never tried your product or service?

Kinda of a dumb question, because I know you know the answer.

Once someone has been using you product for about 30 days or so. And before I go on I trust you have been in contact with your customer to see how he/she likes using your product. More importantly have they used your product at all.

You would be surprised at how many people will buy a product and not use it.

If you do come across someone who has not used your product don't say "WHY NOT".

Tell a story.

For example, lets say you sell product XYZ and you called a customer and they have not use it yet.

Me.. "Hi Bob, this is Duffy how do you like XYZ?"

Bob.. "Oh I have not tried it yet it's still in the box, no time to busy"

Me.. "I can relate to that Bob. When I first started taking XYZ I started noticing a difference after only 3 days, I could fall asleep faster and I woke up more refreshed and with more energy and I am getting the same feedback from my other customers as well. I'll give you a call in few days and see how you're doing. Talk to you then, have a great night."

I did not challenge him, I accepted his excuse and I went on to tell him a story of how XYZ has helped me. Do you think he is going to leave your product in the box for one more day...I doubt it.

But even if he does, just keep telling stories of the things XYZ is doing for you and others

However, if your customer has not tried your product after 2 or 3 phone calls (5 or 7 days). Personally I would offer them a refund. With that the customer will either say no and try your product, or they will accept your offer. If so, great, either way it's a win-win.

If this person lived in my city I would go over and pick up the product. It's not doing him or you any good just sitting there. It might as well be given to someone who will use the product.

Ok, it's been 30 days or so since your customer has been using your product and they love it, what now?

The next time you talk to a customer you can say something like this:

According to my records, it's time for you to reorder. How would you like to save up to $10 off your next purchase? For every name you give me of someone I can send a brochure to, I'll give you $1 off up to $10. Is that fair?


If they are internet customers you would be offering them a $10 rebate after they place their next order. Simply tell them after you get the contact names and confirmation of their next order you will send them a check in the amount owing. The above is for local customers that you are personally delivering your product to.

This is a great way to get warm leads.

Then you take a flyer or brochure about your product. Put a yellow sticky note on it and say Hi "Sally" Mary Jones has been taking this product and feels great and thought you might be interested. Your name, your address your phone number.

Then, after you mail the info to the referrals, you call them in a few days. And say:

Hi Sally. This is (your Name), You don't know me but Mary Jones asked that I send you a brochure. Did you get that brochure? Listen, our product is helping a lot of people around the country--it's helped Mary.

The product is less than a dollar and a half a day and it's got 100% money back guarantee. Would you like to try it or do you know anyone who'd like to try it?

(I used what it costs to use my product each day for the above example, replace that with the break down of your products cost per day).

Now it's been about 2 months after your original customers first purchase. Depending on your products user rate you may have talked to them as little as 2 times, but that's ok.

Now say something like this:

Hello _______ How are you doing?

Have you experienced any additional positive results with your product?

Listen, I can't offer you a discount this time. "4" of the people of the "10" names you gave me are on the product and they're loving the product. They're going to reorder the product. Would you like to supply them and make the profit or would you rather I supply them?

If they say they would like to earn the profit, they have just given you permission to show them your presentation.

You're now retailing to recruit.

Until next time.

To Your MLM Success
Duffy Rogan

Design the Myspace page with new colors

A Myspace page should have all features and attractions to make it the most visited in the Internet. The page is visited depending on the profile of the user. It could include profiles of music lovers, book readers, science fiction lovers, nature lovers, wildlife fans, rock music fans and group members. The Internet traffic to the site is generated by the profile of the visitors. It could also include online visitors and communities in search of social networking friends and people and those curiously looking for many more interesting features on the Internet.

One of the best ways of accessing people and sites on the Internet is to look for the search engines on the Internet. Popular search engines such as Yahoo! and Google drive a lot of Internet traffic for the users. Therefore, the Myspace page should have better features and profiles that can drive more people to the site. The most preferred route to attract more visitors to the site is to have an attractive background to the Myspace web page. The attractive backgrounds can be designed by the user of Myspace on their own by employing the desktop tools. However, these will be basic backgrounds and cannot be upgraded to a higher level. Besides, they cannot be changed whenever desired. Once the design of the background is frozen, altering will take time. However, the updates will be minimal and rich features cannot be added to the background. Eventually the traffic to the site could be less than the desired level. The best way to ensure that the background is done in a professional manner is to employ the tools available on the Internet.

Professional backgrounds and themes of the Myspace page are available on the Internet. Use the popular search engines such as Google to seek out the backgrounds. Type the words Myspace backgrounds in the space provided for search. It will throw up a number of pages that will have links to the backgrounds and themes of the Myspace page. There are two categories of links. The first category of links provides connectivity to backgrounds that is available for free. The second category of links provides connectivity to backgrounds that is licensed. They can be accessed against payment of certain fee. The background comes in various shapes and colors that can be chosen by the user. The links throw up a number of background templates that have multiple options. They user can customize the colors to make the background suitable to their needs. The themes can also be designed. The backgrounds have preset templates that can be altered according to the needs of the user. The backgrounds have various themes that augur well with the preferences of the user.

If you do not like any images to become the background, then go in for plain standardized backgrounds. They are available in multitude of colors. If you want the background to be sober, then choose light colors such as pink and pale yellow. You can also mix and match the colors before bringing them on to the background of the account.

How To Market Your Seminar to Your Local Market

f you have created a small business management course or seminar, you are most likely anxious to get started with selling your course or seminar. Unfortunately, it doesn't matter how fantastic your course or seminar is if no one knows about it. For this reason, the next step in successfully launching a small business management course or seminar is marketing. But, just
how do you go about marketing your small business management or seminar?

Know Your Market

In general, the best place to start when promoting a new course or seminar is within your local market. Therefore, you should search within your community, and your surrounding communities, to find individuals who might be interested in your small business management course or seminar.

Obviously, people who are already involved in a small business might need the extra insight you can provide with your expertise. This makes your yellow pages an excellent resource for potential students of your course or seminar. Look for small businesses that are locally owned and target their owners as potential students of your small business course or seminar.

But, what about those people who are thinking about starting a small business, but are looking for a little extra guidance and assurance before taking the leap? This is where you come in. With your course or seminar, you can give these people the little push they need - and you can tap into an eager market when you offer them your course or seminar. Unfortunately, people who are just thinking about going into business can be hard to find.

If you are not sure how to go about finding people who are interested in your course or seminar, or if the whole process seems overwhelming, marketing vendors are available to give you the assistance you need. Through these marketing vendors, you can learn strategies for discovering who is a part of your target market, as well as how to get information about your course or

seminar into their hands.

Know Your Resources and Options

One avenue for marketing your small business management course or seminar is through your community college. If you have a community college in or near your community, contact their office of Continuing Education. Often, Continuing Education offices are looking to provide great non-credit courses and seminars to their community. Even better, the college will do a great deal of marketing for you.

Of course, you might not want to form a partnership with another entity. Perhaps you don't want to share in the profits of your course or seminar. Or, maybe you don't want to be restricted by the guidelines of other institutions.

If this is the case, it is helpful to contact a marketing agency. A marketing agency can help you formulate a business plan. A marketing vendor can also help you create marketing materials, such as brochures and news releases. In this way, you can remain the independent owner of your course or seminar.
Another great source of marketing is word of mouth. Therefore, make sure you let it be known that you have an excellent course or seminar available. Pass out business cards and share information about your course or seminar with as many people as possible. With time, the word will spread about your course or seminar.

Many people are interested in being their own bosses and owning their own businesses. A large market for this type of course or seminar exists, but finding the people interested in this type of course or seminar can be tricky. Through the proper marketing techniques, however, a small business seminar or course can be highly successful.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Samsung Mobile Phone Secret Codes For all

*2767*JAVA# Java Reset and (Deletes all Java Midlets)
*2767*MEDIA# Reset Media (Deletes All Sounds and Pics)
*2767*WAP# Wap Reset
*2767*CUST# Reset Custom EEPR0M
*2767*FULL# Reset Full EEPR0M (Caution)
For example : *2767*JAVA# would be keyed in as *2767*5282#

Note : Not all codes will work with SGH-C100.

Other Samsung Codes


*#06# IMEI code
*#9998*4357# Help Menu
*#9998*5282# Java menu (GRPS/CSD settings for JAVA server)
*#9999#0# Monitor Mode
*#9999# or *#9998*9999# Software Version
*#8888# or *#9998*8888# Hardware Version
*#9998*746# or *#9998*0746# or *#0746# Sim Infos
*#9998*523# or *#9998*0523# or *#0523# Display Contrast
*#9998*842# or *#9998*0842# or *#0842# Vibration On (until you push OK)
*#9998*289# or *#9998*0289# or *#0289# Buzzer On (until you push OK)
*#9998*288# or *#9998*0288# or *#0288# Battery & Field Infos
*#9998*377# or *#9998*0377# Error log
*#9998*778# or *#9998*0778# or *#0778# Sim Service table
*#9998*782# show date and alarm clock
*#8999*638# show network information
*#9998*5646# change operator logo at startup
*#9998*76# production number
*#9998*968# view melody for alarm
*#9998*585# Non-Volatile Memory (NVM)
*#3243948# Digital Audio Interference Off
*#32436837# Digital Audio Interference On

*#06# -> Show IMEI
*#9999# -> Show Software Version
*#0001# -> Show Serial Parameters

*2767*3855# -> Full EEPROM Reset ( THIS CODE REMOVES SP-LOCK!!!! but also change IMEI to 447967-89-400044-0, you must use CHGIMEI to restore it)

*2767*2878# -> Custom EEEPROM Reset
*#8999*228# -> Battery status (capacity, voltage, temperature)
*#8999*246# -> Program status
*#8999*289# -> Change Alarm Buzzer Frequency
*#8999*324# -> Debug screens
*#8999*364# -> Watchdog
*#8999*377# -> EEPROM Error Stack
*#8999*427# -> Trace Watchdog
*#8999*523# -> Change LCD contrast
*#8999*544# -> Jig detect
*#8999*636# -> Memory status
*#8999*746# -> SIM File Size
*#8999*778# -> SIM Service Table
*#8999*785# -> RTK (Run Time Kernel) errors
*#8999*786# -> Run, Last UP, Last DOWN
*#8999*837# -> Software Version
*#8999*842# -> Test Vibrator
*#8999*862# -> Vocoder Reg
*#8999*872# -> Diag
*#8999*947# -> Reset On Fatal Error
*#8999*999# -> Last/Chk
*#8999*9266# -> Yann debug screen (=Debug Screens?)
*#8999*9999# -> Software version


v200 Unlock Code-> *2767*7822573738#
*#9324# Netmon (press the hangup key to exit)
*#9998*JAVA# Edit GPRS/ CSD settings (S100 Only)
*#9998*Help# Help screen/ List of codes
*#9998*LOGO# Change operator Logo
*#9998*RTC# RTC Display
*#9998*Bat# Battery Status
*#9998*Buz# Turns Buzzer ON
*#9998*Vib# Turns Vibrator ON
*#9998*LCD# LCD Contrast
*#9998*9999# Softwre Version
*#9998*8888# Hardware Version
*#9998*377# NVM Error Log (?????)
*#9998*NET# SIM Network ID
*#9998*778# SIM Serv. Table
*#9998*SIM# SIM Info
*#9998*PN# Production No.
*#9998*968# Reminder Tune
*#9998*NVM# Displays Non-Volitile Memory Status
*#9999*C# ???????????????????
*#06# Displays phones I**I No.
***/// ***/// NOTE /// *** RED COLOR , they appear serious !!! Use at
own risk !!!
*#9998*2576# Forces SIM Error
*#9998*DEAD# Forces Phone Crash
*2767*MEDIA# Resets the medis on the phone (deletes all downloaded
*2767*FULL# Resets the EEPRON *DANGEROUS*
*2767*CUST# Resets the Custom EEPRON
*2767*JAVA# Resets JAV downloads (deletes all downloaded midlits)
*2767*STACKRESET# Resets Stack
*2767*225RESET# ????????????????? * Dangerous *
*2767*WAP# Resets WAP Setting & Deletes Favorites


The universal unlock code is *2767*637# do this with out your sim in
By default, the firmware (software) for x600 only receives java
apps and other applications like stuff by serial port.
but even for it, you have to enable the serial port, which also
the closing of all other ports, even the IrDA too :-( ..
well, guess what, i have very good news for you,
do you know, you can increase the sound level,
the sound level for tones, speaker fone, etc,
can be increase even then if it is at max (level 4)
you still can do it,
just follows the instructions!

**************** HERE WE GO **************
Enter the following code:
(You'll be shown menu, then ...)
then go to:
"H/W test"
then go to:
"Audio Settings"

then go to:
"Melody Gain"

There will you see a number.
there are five (5) Melody Levels" of it.
(and currently, you are at level 1 and after
pressing the "save" button, you will move to
level 2 and so on .........................)
you have to change the values of all the levels.
and as the resultant, it will give increase the
melody sound!, your tones will more louder,
even more louder then the max. ringing volume.
the level wise numbers are: (as its my setting :-) )

Melody Level 1: 13
Melody Level 2: 17
Melody Level 3: 18
Melody Level 4: 25
Melody Level 5: 31
you even can make your own combinations of level wise
sounding numbers that can change the sound level!.

if your combination cause more louder sound level,
then mine,
then do share it with the group! ... :-)
meanwhile, try my figured-out combination!

************ CAUTION ************
if anything goes wrong,
then you can apply the master reset code,
that will NOT delete anything, ANYTHING from your
cell fone, but set each and eveything to its
default/standard setting ...
(likes, factory settings :-) )
the master reset code is:

I take no responsibility of these codes are working or not,
or its effects on your cell fone
but i have tried these codes on my cell fone.
and i bet, nothing goes wrong,
but even then of my words, be carefull!,
The code: *#8999*8378#
as i regarded it a informative code,
will tell you each and everything about your cell fone.
and in the "H/W test",
there are lot of other Audio settings,
each of them having five (5) levels,
you can change the combination, but before doing anything,
do write the defult number sequence to some place so that
you'll be then able to invert it again! .. :-) ...
#*2558# - Time ON
#*2527# - GPRS Switching Set to class {4/8/9/10}
#*4263# - Handsfree Mode: ACTIVATED
#*53696# - [Java dnload] WAPSAR mode
#*536961# - WAPSAR enable HTTP disable
#*536962# - HTTP enable WAPSAR disable
#*536963# - SERIAL enable Others disable
#*5663351# - [Phone Model] SAMSUNG SGH-X100
#*6420# - Mic off
#*6421# - Mic on
#*7632# - Sleep mode
*#8999*523# - Main LCD Brightness
*#8999*3825523# - (?) External display
*2767*3855# - Full EEPROM reset(Reset all type of locks)also you'll
lose pictures and java not melody
Remove camera sound:
On main screen type:
*#8999*8378# --> Test mode
H/W test
Audio Settings
Melody Gain
Then replace 6 by 0, it'll show 12 but it's OK
Press back until main screen
Then press key volume to minimum and let's try !!! no more sound
tip by C-Quest

*2767*688# resets the phone
Thats all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Samsung X100 Tricks
#*1200# - AFC DAC Val
#*1300# - IMEI
#*1400# - IMSI
#*1700# - ( ) Command #*1700 Executed
#*1800# - ( ) Command #*1800 Executed
#*1900# - ( ) Command #*1900 Executed
#*2000# - ( ) Command #*2000 Executed
#*2100# - ( ) Command #*2100 Executed
#*2200# - ( ) Command #*2200 Executed
#*2252# - Current CAL
#*2255# -
#*2256# - Calibr.-Info
#*2286# - Databattery
#*2337# - ( ) Permanent Registration - Not Yet Implemented
#*2400# - ( ) Command #*2400 Executed
#*2474# - For CMD Set - DEBUGBATTERY in cihard.opt
#*2527# - GPRS Switching Set to class {4/8/9/10}
#*2558# - Time ON
#*2677# - AMR State: {None / Full Rate}
#*2679# - Copycat Feature: {ACTIVATED/DEACTIVATED}
#*2787# - CRTP {ON/OFF}
#*2834# - Audio path Mobile Normal
#*3230# - Trace Enable DCD disable
#*3231# - Trace disable DCD Enable
#*3232# - Current Mode {Trace enabled/DCD enabled}
#*3353# - General Defence Code Erased
#*3676# - Flash Volume Formated
#*3737# - Some Codes
#*3825# - ( ) Command #*3825 Executed
#*3877# - Dump of SPY Trace
#*3940# - External looptest 9600 bps not available in SYSOL2
#*3940# - External looptest 115200 bps not available in SYSOL2
#*4263# - Handsfree Mode: ACTIVATED
#*4674# - IMSI| MCC:2 5 0 | MNC 9 2 | 10 11 91 83 50
#*4700# - Half Rate: {ACTIVATED/DEACTIVATED}
#*5111# - ( ) Some Codes
#*5133# - ( ) Some Codes
#*5171# - ( ) Some Codes
#*5172# - ( ) Some Codes
#*5173# - ( ) Some Codes
#*5176# - ( ) Some Codes
#*5187# - L1C2G trace: {ACTIVATED/DEACTIVATED}
#*53696# - [Java dnload] WAPSAR mode
#*536961# - WAPSAR enable HTTP disable
#*536962# - HTTP enable WAPSAR disable
#*536963# - SERIAL enable Others disable
#*5400# - ( ) Command #*5400 Executed
#*566335# - [WAP model ID]
#*5663351# - [Phone Model] SAMSUNG SGH-X100
#*5663352# - [Java Model] SEC-SGHS300/1.0
#*5737425# - Java Serial
#*577699# - APN
#*5800# - ( ) Command #*5800 Executed
#*6100# - ( ) Command #*6100 Executed
#*6420# - Mic off
#*6421# - Mic on
#*6422# - Mic dep RXdata
#*6428# - Mic measurement
#*6837# - Official Software Version
#*7222# - Operation Typ: Class C GSM
#*7224# - ERROR
#*7252# - Operation Typ: Class B GPRS
#*7271# - Multi slot: Class 1 GPRS
#*7274# - Multi slot: Class 4 GPRS
#*7284# - Class B
#*7287# - GPRS Attached
#*7288# - GPRS Detached
#*7326# - Accessory: Vibrator
#*7337# - Some kind of Reset Settings
#*7352# - Some Kind of Debug Info
#*7462# - SIM phase
#*7524# - KCGPRS
#*7562# - LOCI GPRS
#*7632# - Sleep mode
#*7638# - RLC always open ended TBF: {ACTIVATED/DEACTIVATED}
#*7666# - SrCell Data
#*7673# - Sleep mode
#*7676# - Command #*7676 Executed
#*7683# - Sleep variable
#*7693# - Sleep deact
#*7728# - RSAV done->reset
#*7828# - Midl Rl51
#*7957# - Command #*7957 Executed
#*7983# - Voltage/Freq {DEACTIVATED/ACTIVATED}
#*8462# - Sleep time since SwitchOff
#*8465# - Time in L1
#*8466# - Old Time
#*9278# - Command #*9278 Executed
#*9795# - wtls key: reset
#7263867# - RAM Dump {On/Off}
#7465625*228# - Activa lock deactivated
#7465625*2827# - Auto CP lock deactivated
#7465625*28638# - Auto Network lock deactivated
#7465625*28746# - Auto SIM lock deactivated
#7465625*2877# - Auto SP lock deactivated
#7465625*28782# - Auto subset lock deactivated
*#0020# –
*#06# – IMEI
*#2255# - Call List
*#4777*8665# – GPRS
*#7465625# – Interrogate ( )
*#8377466# – Software && Hardware Versions
*#8888# – Hardware Version
*#8999*324# - ( ) Some Strange Numbers
*#8999*377# -
*#8999*3825523# - ( )
*#8999*523# - Main LCD Brightness
*#8999*636# - ( ) Another Strange Numbers
*#8999*8376363# - . HW, SW, + Some Code And Data
*#8999*8378# - . , , , HW SW
*#9999# – Software Version

=== : ===

*2767*xx927 - WAP . xx - . , xx=44: *2767*44WAP# xx=31: *2767*31WAP#

*2767*xx667 - MMS.


*2767*2878# – EEPROM ( , )
*2767*3855# - l EEPROM ( SP- !! ) IMEI 447967-89-400044-0, IMEI ( )
*2767*688# ( ) [Unlocking Code]
*2767*73738927# = *2767*RESETWAP#

=== / : ===

*663867# - mm file dumped
*7465625# -
*7465625*228# - Activa lock personalized
*7465625*2827# - Auto CP lock activated
*7465625*28638# - Auto Network lock activated
*7465625*28746# - Auto SIM lock activated
*7465625*2877# - Auto SP lock activated
*7465625*28782# - Auto subset lock activated

Samsung SGH-600 And SGH-2100 Mobile Sets Secret Codes

*#06# -> Show IMEI
*#9999# -> Show Software Version
*#0837# -> Show Software Version (instructions)
*#0001# -> Show Serial Parameters
*#9125# -> Activates the smiley when charging.

*#9998*228# -> Battery status (capacity, voltage, temperature)
*#9998*246# -> Program status
*#9998*289# -> Change Alarm Buzzer Frequency
*#9998*324# -> Debug screens
*#9998*364# -> Watchdog
*#9998*377# -> EEPROM Error Stack - Use side keys to select values.
Cancel and ok.
*#9998*427# -> Trace Watchdog
*#9998*523# -> Change LCD contrast - Only with version G60RL01W
*#9998*544# -> Jig detect
*#9998*636# -> Memory status
*#9998*746# -> SIM File Size
*#9998*778# -> SIM Service Table
*#9998*785# -> RTK (Run Time Kernel) errors - if ok then phn is reset,
info is put
in memory error. *#9998*786# -> Run, Last UP, Last DOWN
*#9998*837# -> Software Version
*#9998*842# -> Test Vibrator - Flash the screenligth during 10 seconds
and vibration activated.
*#9998*862# -> Vocoder Reg - Normal, Earphone or carkit can be selected
*#9998*872# -> Diag
*#9998*947# -> Reset On Fatal Error
*#9998*999# -> Last/Chk

*#9998*9266# -> Yann debug screen (=Debug Screens?)
*#9998*9999# -> Software version

*0001*s*f*t# -> Changes serial parameters (s=?, f=0,1, t=0,1) (incomplete)
*0002*?# -> unknown
*0003*?# -> unknown

SP-unlock SGH-600 and SGH 2100

*2767*3855# -> Full EEPROM Reset ( THIS CODE REMOVES SP-LOCK!! )
But also changes IMEI to 447967-89-400044-0, To restore your old IMEI
use the
IMEI program found on the software page.

*2767*2878# -> Custom EEEPROM Reset

These codes has been tested with version FLD_2C6 G60SB03X of Samsung

Thanks everybody for visit my Blog

তিন হাজারী ক্লাবে সাকিব

তিন হাজার রানের ক্লাবে যোগ দিলেন সাকিব আল হাসান। আশরাফুলের পর দ্বিতীয় বাংলাদেশি ব্যাটসম্যান হিসেবে তিন হাজার রানের ক্লাবের সদস্য হলেন অধিনায়ক সাকিব আল হাসান। গতকাল মিরপুর শের-ই-বাংলা জাতীয় ক্রিকেট স্টেডিয়ামে অস্ট্রেলিয়ার বিপক্ষে অনুষ্ঠিত তিন ম্যাচ সিরিজের প্রথম ম্যাচে হাফ সেঞ্চুরির পাশাপাশি তিন হাজার রানের ক্লাবের সদস্যপদ লাভ করেন তিনি। ম্যাচের ২৩.৪ ওভারে অস্ট্রেলিয়ার সেস্না বাঁহাতি স্পিনার জাভিয়ার দোহার্তির বলটি কভারে ঠেলে দিয়ে দু'টি রান সংগ্রহ করেন সাকিব। সঙ্গে সঙ্গে জায়ান্ট স্ক্রিন জানিয়ে দেয়, এই দুই রান নেয়ার মধ্য দিয়েই ক্যারিয়ারের তিন হাজার রানে প্রবেশ করলেন বিশ্বের এক নম্বর অলরাউন্ডার। চারিদিকে দর্শকরা করতালি দিয়ে বাংলাদেশ দলের এই ব্যাটসম্যানের অগ্রযাত্রাকে উৎসাহিত করে। ২০০৬ সালের ৬ আগষ্ট হারারের স্পোর্টস গ্রাউন্ডে স্বাগতিক জিম্বাবুয়ের বিপক্ষে ওয়ানডে অভিষেক হয় সাকিবের। খেলতে থাকেন আস্থার সঙ্গে। শনিবার পর্যন্ত ১০৯টি ম্যাচের ১০৫টি ইনিংস খেলেছেন বিশ্বের এক নম্বর অলরাউন্ডার সাকিব। সংগ্রহ করেছেন ৩০২৭ রান। ব্যাট হাতে তিনি ৫টি সেঞ্চুরি এবং ১৯টি হাফ সেঞ্চুরি করেন। ২০০৭ সালের ২৮ ফেব্রুয়ারি সেন্ট জোন্সে কানাডার সঙ্গে ১৩৪ রান করে অপরাজিত ছিলেন। ওটাই ছিল তার সর্বোচ্চ সংগ্রহ এবং ক্যারিয়ারের প্রথম সেঞ্চুরি। বল হাতে তিনি খেলেছেন ১০৭টি ইনিংস। সংগ্রহ করেছেন ১৩৭টি উইকেট। দলের বেশ ক'টি জয়ে অবদানও রয়েছে ২৪ বছরে পা দেয়া তরুণ এ অল রাউন্ডারের। শনিবার অস্ট্রেলিয়ার বিপক্ষে মাঠে নামার আগে তার ঝুলিতে ছিল ২৯৭৬ রান। তিন হাজার রানের ক্লাবে ঢুকতে প্রয়োজন ছিল মাত্র ২৪ রানের। ওপেনার তামিমের সঙ্গে চতুর্থ উইকেট জুটিতে ৬৭ রানের দারুণ এক জুটি গড়ে তোলেন টাইগার দলপতি। এর মাধ্যমে প্রায় খাদের কিনারায় দাঁড়িয়ে পড়া বাংলাদেশকে টেনে তুলেন দলকে। ক্যারিয়ারের ১৯তম হাফ সেঞ্চুরিটিও তিনি আদায় করে নিলেন আজ। এর আগে ২০০১ সালে ওয়ানডে অভিষেক হওয়া আশরাফুল ১৬৪টি ম্যাচ খেলে সংগ্রহ করেছেন ৩৩৭২ রান। বর্তমানে তিনি বাংলাদেশ 'এ' দলের অধিনায়ক হিসেবে দক্ষিণ আফ্রিকা সফরে রয়েছেন। দীর্ঘ দশ বছর খেলে আশরাফুল তিন হাজার রানের ক্লাবের সদস্য হলেও অভিজাত ওই ক্লাবের সদস্যপদ পেতে সাকিবের সময় লেগেছে মাত্র চার বছর। শুধু তাই নয় ব্যাটসম্যান আশরাফুলের গড় যেখানে ২৩.০৯, সেখানে অলরাউন্ডার সাকিবের ব্যাটিং গড় ৩৪.৩৯।

How to Put Video on your Website

If you want to put video on your website you must have a good knowledge of the basic video file types. What video file type to use? what are the pros and cons of each file type? These are just some of the questions you should ask yourself before proceeding with video implementation on your webpages.

There are three basic video file types on the internet. Mpeg, AVI and Quicktime. I believe the Quicktime file type is the most popular since a lot of huge entertainment and news sites use it exclusively on their web pages.

AVI is the oldest of the three main file types. It is a windows oriented video format but it's not the most popular because of the sound and video compatibility and synchronizing problems. Because the Quicktime format can be used on either a windows or a macintosh computer, the AVI video file type loses it's popularity every day.

The mpeg format is a popular video file type that uses it's high output quality to increase it's popularity over the Quicktime format. Mpeg is used on video games, cd-roms and other media that require high output quality. One disadvantage of mpeg is that it sacrifices file size to gain in digital quality. The mpeg video files are usually large.

Another disadvantage of the mpeg format is that you really need time and sophisticated hardware and software to convert plain video into mpeg. And let's not forget that the mpeg format is not supported by apple and macintosh meaning that if you put mpeg video on your website, those users with macintosh will not be able to see it.

Quicktime is by far the most popular video file type developed by apple for macintosh users, but is also compatible with the IBM-compatible machines and the windows operating systems. The hardware and software you need to digitize video into the Quicktime format is very inexpensive, compared to the mpeg format. So its much easier and cheaper to create video and put it on your website using the Quicktime format.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Samsung E65 E-book Reader with WiFi

Samsung is launching the E65 e-book reading device with built-in WiFi connectivity for downloading ebooks from online bookstore wirelessly. The E65 is a 6-inch e-reader with a 600×800 e-ink screen with anti-glare and anti-reflective multi-layer coating and 8 grey-scale levels contrast. It has 2GB internal memory and supports microSD up to 16GB.

Samsung is launching its first e-book reader,  in the US market in partnership with Nobel,The E6 features a 6-inch e-ink display with 600×800 resolution, 8-Gray scale, built-in MP3 player, Bluetooth for connecting headphones and WiFi 802.11b/g for direct purchase and download of content.

Samsung launches the E6 and E101, its first e-book reading  Both models enables handwriting directly onto the display, allowing users to annotate their reading selections, calendars and to-do lists with a built-in electromagnetic resonance (EMR) stylus pen.

Electronik Book (e-Book)

is a text and image-based publication in digital form produced on, published by, and readable on computers or other digital devicesSometimes the equivalent of a conventional printede -books can also be born digital. The Oxford Dictionary of English defines the e-book as "an electronic version of a printed book," but e-books can and do exist without any printed equivalent. E-books are usually read on dedicated devices known as e-Readers or e-book devices. Personal computers and some cell phones can also be used to read e-books.


Among the earliest general e-books were those in , in 1971. One early e-book implementation was the desktop prototype for a proposed notebook computer, thein the 1970s at a general-purpose portable personal computer capable of displaying books for reading.[
Early e-books were generally written for specialty areas and a limited audience, meant to be read only by small and devoted interest groups. The scope of the subject matter of these e-books included technical manuals for hardware, manufacturing techniques and other subjects.In the 1990s, the general availability of the made transferring electronic files much easier, including e-books.

Networking Clubs And Their Relevance To Contract Cleaners

If you are a new business just starting out into the world of contract cleaning then your immediate aim is to gather as many new customers as you can and constantly grow the business. The initial stages are hard and it is difficult to gain those first few customers. How gain you gain a foothold in this highly competitive market? Many of the marketing strategies you might employ have been explained in previous articles. One area that was not explored in these articles was networking.

As a new business you will probably receive a number of invitations to go along to various local networking organisations meetings. At these they will no doubt try and impress upon you the huge benefits to be gained by networking. You will also be told how much business was generated for its members over a period of time. All will seem very impressive and like myself you may very well be impressed enough to join the weekly breakfast or luncheon meetings. This could cost you anything up to £500 a year to be a member plus the cost of the meal or maybe as little as the cost of the meal. Some of the internet networking organisations charge a small monthly fee and then organise monthly local meetings.

When I started out into the field of commercial cleaning I was willing to try anything that might generate business so I joined a number of these organisations. So how successful was this as a means of expanding my business?

I did in fact persevere with some of these breakfast meetings for a whole year, having paid the yearly subscription it was in fact something of a necessity. However it does not take long to realise that the people who attend these meetings are not in fact your likely customers. Many of the individuals who attend networking meetings are just starting out in their business and are operating as sole traders working from home and not in any way, shape or form likely to be your potential customers. O


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