Monday, May 30, 2011

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Wednesday, May 18, 2011

10 Must Haves for A Successful E-Newsletter

E-Newsletters, commonly called 'E-Zines', are a must have for any business in today's aggressive economy. E-Newsletters, done correctly, are a creative, non-aggressive method of reaching your current clients and building your prospect base at little or no cost. They not only provide useful information to subscribers on a consistent basis but they are a valuable marketing tool that allows you to enter their lives regularly, to get your name, and products or services, in front of them without the heavy sell.

The following pages contain a list of 'must haves' from the beginning to the end of your newsletter, and everything in between.

First and foremost, your E-Newsletter must have a:


Your newsletter's headline, otherwise known as the subject of the e-mail, is responsible for 50-75% of its success. Other than whom the e-mail is from, it is what your reader sees first. Without a successful headline, your e-mail is destined for the trash can and you've missed a golden opportunity to reach clients and prospects with your message.

Writing a good headline is tricky and something people spend years learning and practicing. That being said, there are a few keys to a successful headline that I'd like to share with you.

● Appeal to your reader's self interest.
Provide a benefit to your reader and make it personal to your audience of clients and prospects. Example: "10 Ways To Increase Your Portfolio Earnings Overnight." This type of headline might work for a financial investment firm, or an accountant. A headline can be tailored to any industry and what your readers are interested in.

● Make it Newsworthy
Headlines using the words 'new', 'now', 'finally', 'announcing', and 'latest' give the reader a sense of newsworthiness. "New Soil Conditioner Increases Plant Life By 10%." This headline is both newsworthy and it appeals to the reader's self interest-assuming that the newsletter is going to clients of a nursery, florist and the like and not to an automotive repair shop!

● Appeal to the reader's emotions.
Fear, Pride, Insecurity, Curiosity, Love, Happiness, Boredom, Laziness, and
Altruism are among many of the emotions that you can use to motivate your reader to open your newsletter. "How To Ask Your Boss For A Raise," would be good headline for a staffing company. It appeals to the reader's curiosity. Another curiosity driven headline might be "10 Questions You Should Never Ask A Prospective Client."

One last thing to remember about Headlines: make them believable. Nothing gets deleted faster than an outrageous and unbelievable headline.


It may seem obvious, but one thing that is consistently overlooked in E-Newsletter publication is the volume number and date. Every newsletter that you send should have a volume number and a date to be consistent. Consistency is key to establishing yourself and your company as a reliable and credible source of information and the kind of company that your customers will return to time and again.

Additionally, by providing a consistent publication date, and volume, you give your readers a method to archive and/or search when they're hunting through old issues for the amazing content that you've supplied them.

By organizing your newsletters by volume and date, you also make it easier to track each issue's effectiveness.


Each newsletter that you put out to the world should have a consistent theme running throughout. Regardless if you have one article or ten, they should be linked with your theme-and your theme should be referenced in the headline.

A doctor's office might run an issue with the theme of fighting the flu just before flu season. The newsletter might contain articles pertaining to it like diet, supplementation, and inoculations etc. Similarly, they could offer a theme on allergies in early spring.

A restaurant might highlight specific ingredients, time saving tips in the kitchen, or upcoming seasons and holidays. The articles could reference menu items or recipes that they use as a marketing tie in.

An Auto repair shop might address tune ups in one issue and preparing for summer vacations in the next. They could talk about braking-how to brake, different types of brakes, when to replace brakes, common problems with brakes etc…

You're getting the picture. CPA firms, printers, transportation companies, every industry has a specific client population with specific needs and interests. If you have a new product, how that product integrates into your customer's lives could be a theme-say a commercial construction company provides installation of a new type of roofing--there's the theme for the newsletter. Themes are easy to come by; the trick is sticking to them.


Your newsletter must contain useful information. Content Is Key! Even if your newsletter contains an editorial piece, you need to give your readers something valuable.

We're a nation hungry for information. Non-fiction consistently outsells fiction in the bookstores and ease of information is in high demand. As far as information goes-Nothing Is Better Than Free, Helpful Information Delivered To You On A Consistent Basis!

According to an article recently published by the Newsletter & Electronic Publishers Association -"Publishers need high-value content to reach readers and advertisers. ……editorial quality is just as important for a free newsletter as it is for a subscription newsletter. ……advises publishers to talk with their user base at all times, survey readers and know their needs.<

This quotation ties in to the next E-Newsletter necessity:

5. An Option for Reader Feedback

An option for reader feedback in a newsletter is a good way to build your community and to add content to the publication. It not only lets you know what the readers are responding to in your newsletter but it encourages reader participation and people, whether they admit it or not, like to see their name in print.

A simple feedback form occasionally included in the newsletter or a more consistent 'Dear Abby' type column where readers ask questions and you (as the expert) answer them, is the easiest way to include this feature into your publication.


Besides endearing your clients and prospects to you and your company, the main purpose of an E-Newsletter is to build your business or in other words, SELL.

Don't let a single issue go by without some kind of offer; a click through to your web site, a coupon, a new product for sale in your store or on your website, an inside sale.

Tie the offer in to your theme and with a good headline, you have a sure hit! Let's go back to our very first headline "10 Ways To Increase Your Portfolio Overnight." Let's assume that the newsletter is from a team of financial advisors.

The broad theme is increasing your portfolio; let's assume that one of the methods of increasing it is to invest in pharmaceuticals. The offer might be a seminar/webinar/teleseminar on investing in pharmaceuticals. The options are endless to present this product.

Basic clicks through to your website for more information, a 'click here to register' type of option, or a registration form right in the newsletter are just some of the possibilities.


Again, the reason for your newsletter is to sell your product or service. If you don't have at least one link to your website then you're not giving the newsletter the chance to do its job.

If you don't have a website-GET ONE!

No matter what your business, a web presence is a necessity for your business to grow and a courtesy to your clients. From basic business information like hours and staff information to newsletter archives and products, a website gives your customers a place to go when they're not with you. To put it simply, a web presence expands and embraces your customer community and it provides one more way to build your current client base.

Links to your website in your newsletter provide not only a tool to sell but they're also great tools for realizing the effectiveness of your website. They're measurable.


Viral marketing is a term used by marketing specialists which simply means encouraging current customers and prospects to share your message with their colleagues and friends.

Viral Marketing is FREE FOR YOU. A simple message consistently included in each and every newsletter, preferably in the same place each time, that encourages recipients to forward your newsletter to friends, family, and colleagues is all you need. The bonus is that there is an implied endorsement of your services to recipients of your forwarded newsletter.


While an E-Newsletter is a great source for building your opt-in database, you MUST provide your recipients an option to opt-out. No one likes to be trapped into receiving an unwanted e-mail.

A simple "Click here to unsubscribe" will suffice.

Be sure to make good on all opt-out requests to avoid angering and alienating clients and prospects.


An E-Newsletter signature isn't your signed name at the bottom of each publication, though it can be. In direct mail, a signature is your company information and a possible disclaimer listed at the bottom of the page. Think 'footer', if you're familiar with word processing. A signature could look something like this:

All material on this site is provided for information only and may not be construed as medical advice or instruction. No action should be taken based solely on the contents of this information; instead, readers should consult appropriate health professionals on any matter relating to their health and well-being. 1800-555-1212 or e-mail us at

Or for a more personal touch

Annette Elton

It is important to have a signature for several reasons:

1. Consistency
2. Ease of use. If the reader prints out the newsletter then your contact information is readily available.
3. Professional appearance.
4. Another opportunity for your client/prospect to contact you by clicking on your web link or e-mail link.
5. Possible legal protection.

There are an abundance of tips to improve the effectiveness of your E-Newsletter but the 10 basics I've highlighted are vital to produce an effective, quality, marketing E-Newsletter that your readers will value and enjoy and your business will prosper from.

If you have any questions regarding E-Newsletters, please feel free to contact.

Happy Writing and Selling!
Annette Elton
AMBCreative, LLC

Sign up for my free monthly newsletter "Business Marketing Update-Information for Better Marketing Communication" you can subscribe by sending me an e-mail or by visiting  website

A review of the Regis University Online MBA Degree

As a member of the 125-year-old distinguished Regis University, the online MBA program draws upon the schools' world-class teaching expertise. One, which has led the U.S. News & World Report, to rank it a Top Tier Western University for the past 11 consecutive years.

The university is accredited by the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools (NCA), which count prestigious Jesuit schools such as Georgetown, Boston College, Fordham University, and the University of San Francisco, as members.

Online Regis University is the largest multimedia-based MBA program in the country today. All of this is due to the university's ability to utilize the most modern technologies and software, to bring its excellent teaching methods, materials, and faculty expertise to the net.

The online Master of Business Administration (MBA) degree program seeks to educate students about the domestic and international business environments, identify the elements that influence the dynamics, as it provides students the strategies, skills, and tools; they will need to make intelligent decisions.

The Regis MBA curriculum, with its 11 courses is certainly reflective of the program objectives. Each of these courses is structured to complement the knowledge gained from the preceding courses.

The Regis University online MBA degree curriculum, accomplishes this aim, with the use of four course levels.

The first course is appropriately called the FOUNDATION COURSE, and is a required course for all MBA students.

Essentials of Business Development I & II

At the end of these two foundation courses, the student will have an enhanced grasp of basic business concepts & principles, statistical modeling macro and microeconomics, business financials, cash flow and management, through lectures and case studies. <

The second level is composed of
CORE COURSES. These are required courses for all MBA students and the course emphasizes the use of critical business skills.

The Economics of Management

At the end of this course, the student will have the improved ability to utilize methods, concepts and models both quantitatively and qualitatively, from a managerial perspective.

Ethical and Legal Environment of Business

This course focuses on the ethical strategies the MBA student can utilize when confronted by issues for the public's good. Such issues as labor laws, product liability, public issues management and administrative procedures, are covered.

The EMPHASIS COURSE is the third level course. There are seven courses for each MBA program and they are more generally known as degree -specific courses.

These course titles are revealing of subject's focus.

· Issues in International Business

· Financial Decision Making            

· Marketing Management

· Electronic Business Systems

· Managing Change

· Managerial Leadership

· Innovations in Operations

Strategies in a Global Environment

This is the last level, called the CAPSTONE COURSE, and is required of all MBA students. By the end of this course the MBA student will have superior management skills to identify and critically examine how international economic, political, business and financial factors, affect the long-range plans of the company.

In short, a Regis University online MBA degree, will improve the graduate's ability to become an outstanding leader, enjoy career advancement, income and personal satisfaction.

Your lenders are spying on your clients

As mortgage brokers we are always in jeopardy of losing our customers to the lenders we work with.

We deal with our clients for a short amount of time, but the lender is in constant communication with them for years. And whenever your customers are asked who their mortgage company is, they will usually answer the name of their lender.

Some lenders are better at stealing our clients then others.

As a real estate investor I have had loans with several different lenders. One of my properties had a loan from a lender called JB Nutter. This was a small bank that did a very poor job of marketing itself to its customers. I would hear from them 3 times a year. Once to send me a coupon book for the year, another to tell me how much interest I paid that year for my taxes, and another to tell me about how much money was in my escrow account.

They never once tried to offer me a refinance.

My current mortgage for my residence is with Countrywide. These guys know their stuff. They mail me a statement every month. And in every statement is an offer to refinance or get a line of credit, or insurance. They are always politely selling something. And if that weren't enough, they mail me every couple months or so more offers to refinance or tap some equity. But at least they are not as sneaky as World Savings Bank.

One of my investment properties had one of their loans. They now have hooked up with the credit bureaus so that whenever someone with one of their loans gets their credit checked by a mortgage company or lender, they get notified. I like getting my credit checked every 3 months, and with my own mortgage company all it takes is a couple keystrokes of my computer. Imagine my surprise when I got a call at home from a World Savings rep asking me if I was thinking about refinancing. He told me he knew I had my credit checked by a mortgage company and that they were ready to give me a better offer then whatever I was getting,

They have a whole division of telemarketers who do nothing but call their loan holders who are getting their credit checked by other mortgage companies. So even if you get a client a World Savings loan, and that client comes back to you later for a refi, you are now going to have to compete with World Savings for this customer.

Pisses you off doesn't it?

And you can bet that now that one lender is doing this, others will follow suit,.

So what do we as mortgage brokers do about this?

Simple, we form close relationships with our clients, that basically makes them immune to any sales pitch by any other lender or mortgage company. I call it the "silent force field". We need to use every tool at our disposal to make sure that once a person becomes a client we never let them go.

I outline the "silent force field' completely in our Referrals on Demand product, but I will lay out some guidelines for you here.

1. You must stay in contact with them on a regular basis. Once a month minimum The easiest way to do this is through a monthly newsletter. Outsource this to a newsletter company and they will handle the production, printing, and mailing of the newsletter to your clients every month.

2. WOW your clients as soon as you can. Come up with a creative way to make a great impression on your clients. Here's an example. There is dentist in Australia who was tired of having customers be afraid to see him. So he completely changed his office. Now instead of a regular dentist office, it looks more like someone's living room. There is the aroma of fresh baked cinnamon buns in the air, (sugar free) that can be enjoyed with coffee or tea. There is no receptionist sitting there with the little window that they keep closing on you. This dentist now has a referral only practice, where the only way to work with him, is if you know someone who already works with him, and they give you a referral.

3. Get to know your clients and let them get to know you. Show your personality. Let them know about your family. Keep them informed about how your kids are doing in school. Remember, you do not want to seem like their bank. You want to seem like a family friend that happens to do mortgages. Have customer appreciation parties. Have house warming parties. Have a grand birthday party for yourself every year. Give yourself excuses to call your clients and get to know them socially.

4. Start a blog and write about whatever you want. Invite your clients to visit often and provide feedback.

5. Become a customer of your clients. If one of your clients owns a dry cleaners, get your clothes cleaned there. Reward them for doing business with you by doing business with them.

6. Get your clients to network amongst themselves. Create a referral club. Your dry cleaner client can go to your dentist client when his teeth hurt. And if you make the referral you look even better.

These are just a few ideas to help you keep your customers. People do business with people they like. By forming relationships with your past clients you can make sure they keep coming back to you.

Breaking Down And Analyzing Your Design

What a graphic designer usually does is to mix all the basic ingredients to reflect a particular mood or style in any color printing ad they create. The fonts, the graphic images, the design as well as the color – all of these elements are combined to come up with an ad that would definitely get your target readers' attention.

And it all boils down to what your readers feel and say about your ad. It's all about their reaction and impression on the style you chose for your ad, as well as the way you conveyed your message to them.

That's your design palette – where you mix altogether your elements to draw your readers into your ad. It may be the subtle type where your readers are drawn to your design with no effort at all. The design is so simple and subtle that your readers won't even realize that they're into your ad already. The other one, the more aggressive type, is more obvious, as the design usually directs your attention to the key message. There's nothing to distract or confuse your readers from what is really important, which is your message.

If you choose to apply the more aggressive style in your design, first of all, you need to provide a typeface that is 'clean, readable, and with quiet strength' as another designer would suggest. This means that your choice of font does its job efficiently, and yet it doesn't overshadow all the other elements in your ad. And remember that when you want to put a lot of information in your color printing campaign, be sure to include a distinctive typeface that is neutral as it easily packs your details in a small space without making it look busy and disorderly. <

In terms of your colors, by putting a limit to your use would ensure that you provide subtleness to your design and draw your readers' attention to the ideas and concepts that you would want to be emphasized. This is particularly true with your photographs. If you want to show a certain concept on that, you're better off limiting your color use.

Your photos and images also provide your readers with the idea you would want to convey. Depending on different design factors such as layering, opacity, and transparency, you can make your images look more dramatic and striking.

The bottom line is that you include that extra attention to the details of your design. It doesn't matter whether you want it subtle or straight-forward. What would make your ad effective are the features and factors you add in your size, color, in your choice of image and photos, and so forth.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Buying A Franchise

Buying a franchise can be a life changing experience. There are many good reasons to pursue your dream of owning a successful franchise. For starters when you buy a franchise you are buying a proven system. Buying a franchise comes with the advantage of knowing that the business has been successful in other locations. The idea and process of running this business has already been proven. Therefore the learning curve in operating the business can be virtually eliminated.When you are buying a franchise your are also buying an established customer base or brand name. Most franchises are already recognizable to consumers. The brand awareness provides security and trust to the customer who expects uniform quality to be provided. Therefore a customer base is already established.

You can also benefit from any advertising or promotion that the franchiser (owner of the franchise) does at the national or local level, without absorbing the cost. The franchiser can also provide input to the franchisee on a local marketing plan. If you buy a franchise you also receive ongoing support. Training and support is usually always part of the deal. Since the franchise company has a vested interest in how well you do, ongoing training, system upgrades, product enhancements, and question and answer resources are provided. The franchiser offers experience to franchisee in such areas as accounting procedures, personnel and facility management, and business planning.

Also, many times obtaining financing for buying a franchise is easier since the franchise name and reputation are usually recognized by the lenders. Therefore, banks are more likely to fund the franchisee. In addition, relationships with suppliers are already established; affording the opportunity to buy in bulk, enabling a great deal of savings for the business.

The first step when buying a franchise is choosing an industry you are interested in or have prior experience in. There are many great franchises out there to choose from. Auto franchises and coffee franchises are very popular franchises but it is important to research the each opportunity before investing. It is recommended you sit down with a Franchise Consultant and decide if buying a franchise is right for you.


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